Friday, 14 October 2016

Research Proposal - wildlife management

Actually. this is my research Proposal to Internationl Forestry Students Accosiation, but gagal lolos gaesssss
so saddddd.......... 

 hemmm semoga tahun depan bisa lebih baik lagi :)

“Impact of wildlife management and conservation system”
(Change of behavior of wildlife in Gembiraloka’s Zoo)

A Research Proposal
Submitted to the Internasional Forestry Students Association  Local Committee  Universitas Gadjah Mada as the requirements for IFSS's Delegate
By :

1.      Introduction
Forest Conservation is to permanently preserve and protect established forests, and to create and protect new forests. Forests and trees are a crucial part of life on Earth—from maintaining biodiversity and cleaning the air and water, to providing basic human needs and contributing to culture and recreation. The United Nation has declared 2011 as the International Year of Forests, a global platform to celebrate people’s action to sustainably manage the world’s forests.
Conservation grouped into a nature conservation area and nature reserves area. In Natural conservaion area we known there are the national park, the forest park and the hunting park. The national park is a nature conservation area which has the original ecosystem, managed with zoning, as well as used for the purpose of research, education, farming, tourism, and recreation. The criteria of the national park is as follows, has a wide enough area so as to ensure the continuity of ecosystems therein, has a distinct and unique, can be developed for other purposes in everyday life. And benefits that can be felt from the national park area are as follows, It is a region that has economic value, to maintain the balance of life, both biotic and abiotic on land or at sea, It has the feel of beauty as objects of natural touris, Is the object in the development of science, education and research, The diversity of natural resources conservation areas, both land and in water.
 Nature conservation is a conservation area for the collection of plants or animals that are natural or not natural, native or non-native types. The criteria are set as a region of great forest area are as follows, It is a region with a characteristic, whether natural or artificial, It has a natural beauty and fascinating panorama, have sufficient area to allow for collecting of plants or animals
The natural park is a nature conservation area established to protect nature, but used for the purpose of travel destination. Criteria of an area designated as a natural park area are as follows have an appeal flora and fauna or ecosystems and geological formations of interest, Has the population at large to ensure the sustainability and attractiveness for tourism and outdoor recreation, The conditions surrounding environmental support the development of nature tourism etc. The hunting forest is a forest area which are allowed to hunt, but in certain species.
On the nature reserve, we known there are Nature preserve and wildlife reserve. Nature preserve Is a nature reserve zone which has a specific natural state of plants, animals and ecosystems. Criteria designated as a nature reserve area is as follows have diversity, both plantae and wildlife, has natural conditions, both biota and physical pristine or untouched by humans. And wildlife reserve is a nature reserve zone is assigned to protect certain animals and their habitats. Criteria used local wildlife reserve areas are as follows it is a place of living and breeding of wildlife species, it is the habitat of an endangered species or species feared extinct, have a level of diversity and high population, it is a lively place particular migrant species and has a wide area as a habitat of the species in question.
In this case the protection of wildlife is still very minimal. Protection and conservation of wildlife is part of the moral stance and movement in order to realize the environmental preservation. As a nation that was awarded the highest biodiversity in the world, Indonesian is obliged to keep it as a form of gratitude. Why do they need to be maintained and preserved? Why should the wildlife is so important role for mankind?
Efforts to preserve the diverse wildlife has been realized by the government and the public by setting specific landscapes as areas of conservation. In Indonesia, efforts to conserve wildlife carried out in situ and ex situ.
Preservation in situ is the conservation efforts under taken in their natural habitat. Preservation is emphasized that one of the species in the real habitat  maintained and preserved. Preservation in situ carried out in places that are protected by the government. This is a process to protect animal or plant species that are endangered in their natural habitat, either by protecting or cleaning up the habitat itself, or to protect the species from predators. One of the benefits of conservation in situ is that to maintain and restore populations in the vicinity where they have developed their distinctive properties. Another benefit is that this strategy helps ensure the ongoing evolution and adaptation in their environment. But negative effect of in-situ conservation is a living being can not be too controlled and may even decline because its population could have been hunted by poachers and do not get enough food (not compete or even when there is a food crisis). The living beings become dependent on humans thus losing its original nature. For example of the in-situ conservation is conservation of the Javan rhino in Ujung Kulon National Park.
Meanwhile, ex situ conservation conducted on a species outside its original habitat. Preservation ex situ performed on rare and endangered animals. the protection and maintenance of plants and animals outside their natural habitat. The botanical gardens, arboretum, zoo and aquarium is Conventional methods for ex situ conservation. This facility provides not only sheltered from specimens of rare species but also have value education. This provides information to the public about the status of threats to endangered species and the factors that pose a threat and endangering the life of the species.
Storage of seeds, methods other ex situ conservation, is storage of seeds in a controlled environment. With control temperature and humidity conditions, the seeds of some species are kept will remain viable (capable of living) for decades. This technique is The main conservation in agricultural crops and began to be used for forest tree species. The most common form of conservation ex situ for the tree is stand life. Stands like this often begins with the collection of seed sources and kept for observation. Stand size may range from specimens in botanical gardens and the arboretum, to several the small ornamental tree plotplot, or for larger plot-plot tree.
Ex-situ conservation is actually very beneficial to protect biodiversity, but far from enough to save the species from extinction. In addition, ex situ conservation techniques are often expensive, with cryogenic storage that is not economically feasible in most species. The seed bank is not effective for certain plants that have recalcitrant seeds do not remain viable in the long periodic. Pests and diseases where certain species are conserved do not have the endurance to it may also be destroy on ex situ cultivation and animals living in captivity ex situ. However, when a species is really going to become extinct, ex situ conservation becomes the only remaining option. Better making privacy a species rather than letting die out completely. Examples where ex situ conservation is the Taman Safari Indonesia II Prigen, Pasuruan, East Java is located in Indonesia.
One example of ex-situ conservation is the zoo. Therefore in my research this time will be more emphasis on conservation system in zoos. For espesially is Gembiraloka’s zoo at yogyakarta.

2.      Literature review
2.1 Definition Zoo
Understanding wildlife park (zoo) according to the Association of Zoos Indonesia (PKBSI) is a single container or parks and green open space or green belt which is a place to collect, preserve wildlife welfare and demonstrate to the public and set implementation as ex-situ conservation institutions. The wildlife is collected in a container garden wildlife is wildlife protected and not protected by legislation, and will maintain the purity of its kind in a way kept, bred outside its natural habitat (PKBSI)
On the other opinion about Zoos or wildlife parks where the animals are kept in an artificial environment, and shown to the public. Aside from being a place for recreation, the zoo serves as a place of education, research, and conservation efforts for endangered species. The animals were kept in zoos are mostly animals that live on land, while water animals kept in the aquarium.
Based Forestry Minister Regulation No. P.53 / Menhut-II / 2006 conservation organizations, zoos are A place or container which has a primary function as a conservation organization whose efforts the care and breeding of various species based on ethics and the rules of animal welfare in order to establish and develop a new habitat, as a means of protection and preservation of species through rescue, rehabilitation and reintroduction of natural and exploited as a means of education, research, development of science and technology as well as a healthy recreation facilities.

            2.2 Definition Fauna
Fauna or faunæ are all animal life from each region or time. Animals are living beings that are diverse and can is found in nearly all corners of the earth, including the ocean depth, area poles, even in the body of other animals. Animals obtain their food by eating other organisms and a large part can move freely. Although there are also animal was wasting his adult life in one place. Animal body composed of many cells and have a network of nerves and muscles so it can react to its environment.

2.3  Animal welfare
Animal welfare is not just physical needs or absence of injury and disease in animals, but also include psychological needs of the animal. Well that physical condition is an important aspect in animal welfare, but the welfare of the animals can still be said to be bad even though there are no real physical problems in the body. For example, if the animals are in a state of fear, bored, frustrated, anxious or suffer from high stress pressures they may look "normal" but in fact they are in circumstances that are not prosperous. Therefore, it is important for us to be able to observe and assess the animal welfare conditions around us, including the condition of animals in zoos.
One reference minimum animal welfare standards that can be used is the principle of 'Five Freedoms of Animals' (Five Freedoms for Animals) formulated by the Commission Bramble in the UK in 1965. The five principles are :
Freedom from hunger and thirst are basic needs of all animals, including animals that are in captivity which should emphasize consideration of the type of food provided, the frequency and manner of presentation, as well as its nutritional quality, according to the specific needs of each species,
Freedom from physical discomfort requires consideration of several factors, including protection from adverse weather conditions (eg rain, snow and wind), the availability of fresh air, shade and warm, affordable place to sunlight if required, the availability of underground passageways that are appropriate for animals who like to dig, the availability of trees and plants, facilities for climbing and other materials that allow the use of vertical space for animals that like to climb or fly.
Freedom from pain, injury and disease should consider the design of the enclosure, the availability of equipment enclosures, the availability of sufficient space and social life in groups appropriate to prevent conflicts between the animals, appropriate sanitation, food and medical care from a veterinarian to prevent or treat wounds and disease suffered by animals.
Freedom to express normal behavior including giving the animals the opportunity to choose and control, in order to enable them to make meaningful contributions in the quality of life of their own.
Freedom from fear and distress not only includes freedom from fear and distress caused by physical injury or intimidation caused by the animals that live in social groups of excessive or abnormal, but also the threat of predators (predator from the outside and diseases). Frustration and boredom must also be taken to ensure that animals do not suffer from chronic stress.
in general, animals are placed in cages that do not meet the requirements, it will show the overall drop in the level of interaction with their environment. This can be expressed in a wide range of behaviors, such as when they are sitting, lying or reproduce sleep, excessive reaction to novelty or improvement of abnormal behavior such as behavioral stereotypes / abnormal (such as swaying, pacing, shaking his head, toying tongue, etc.
2.4  The Behavior’s Animal in Gembiraloka zoo
The behavior of wildlife in zoo usually very  influencing by its environment. Even they being  tame but there is still owning natural attitude of them. The mentioned like existence of animal attack in zoo etc. The all the things because is fifth of factor above do not be executed. What about animals behavior in Gembiraloka Zoo?? That the problem who I research in this time.

3.      The Problem and the Goals
3.1  The problem statements
1.      Are there change of the behavior of wild animal in Gembiraloka's zoo ?
2.      How change of the behavior can be happened ?
3.      What is the factor ?
4.      Are there degradation of health storey level in Gembiraloka's zoo ?
5.      How treatment accepted by animal there ?

3.2  The objective of the study
The Target of study from this research is to reply/ answer every thing becoming the problem statements.

4.      Hypothesis
1.      Saturation of wild animal cause at lowering of health of animal
2.      Change of animal attitude because of the so small cage compared to his original habitat in free nature

5.      The research method
1.      Direct interview to organizer of zoo, visitor and observer of animal
2.      Survey to animal cages as the sampel  of the research
3.      Data change of the behavior and health of animal’s sampel

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